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How to make a git server/website

How to make a git server/website

Basic ssh server

Every repository on the server will be owned by a git user.

useradd -m git

Create a new directory to store the repositories owned by the git user.

mkdir /srv/git
chown git:git /srv/git

Login as the git user so the new repositories will be owned by him.

su git
cd /srv/git

Creating a repository

They will be stored as bare, meaning we will only store the .git folder not the actual files (called the workspace) to save space. It’s a convention to to suffix a bare repository with the .git extension.

mkdir repo.git
cd repo.git
git init --bare

Or clone a distant one:

git clone --bare <location>

Look at the content of a bare repository and the .git directory in a regular one to convince yourself that they’re the same.

SSH Authentication

You could add a password for the git user but it’s ultimately safer to user a key pair.

If you don’t know what that is you generate it with ssh-keygen. Follow the steps and it will create id_rsa (private key) and id_rsa.pub (public key) in ~/.ssh. On your server you append your public key to /home/git/.ssh/authorized_keys

At this point you should be able to login as the git user via ssh

ssh git@<host>

You can clone from your server.

git clone git@<hostname>:/srv/git/<reponame>.git

Better server interaction with git-shell

Permitting the git user to have a regular shell can be too permissive, we would like to restrict him to a few repository actions, like creation/deletion, importing (clone), listing.

echo $(which git-shell) >> /etc/shells`  # Register the git-shell as a valid shell
chsh -s $(which git-shell) git           # Change the shell of the git user

If you try to ssh as the git user, you will be greeted with something along the line of:

fatal: Interactive git shell is not enabled.
hint: ~/git-shell-commands should exist and have read and execute access.
Connection to <host> closed.

As suggested by the hint we have to create the directory /home/git/git-shell-commands and put the commands (executable) available to the git user.

[ $# -ne 1 ] &&
    echo "Usage: $0 repository" && exit 1
[ -d "$repo_path" ] &&
    echo "$0: Error: $repo_path already exist" && exit 2
mkdir "$repo_path"
git -C "$repo_path" init --bare

This script create a new repository in /srv/git. Put it under git-shell-commands/create and make it executable then try to ssh as the git user once again. You will be prompted with git> , you can only execute the create <repository> and exit command.

You can probably create the delete, import and list scripts yourself. If you add a help script, it will be ran at the beginning of the connection. It can be used to add a greeting message.

Allow anyone to clone with git-daemon

Cloning with ssh is fine but only the people with ssh access can do it, we would like anyone to clone. git-daemon does precisely that, after running it you will be able to run git clone git://<host>/<repository>

git daemon --reuseaddr --base-path=/srv/git/ /srv/git/

Follow the instruction of this tutorial if you want to know how to make it a service

Public/private repository

You may want to introduce a public/private distinction for your repositories. A simple way to do this is by creating a public directory in /srv/git which will contain symbolic link to the repository in /srv/git.

    |- foo.git/
    |- bar.git/
    |- qux.git/
    |- public/
        |- foo.git -> /srv/git/foo.git
        |- bar.git -> /srv/git/bar.git

Change the git daemon to only serve the public repositories git daemon --reuseaddr --base-path=/srv/git/public /srv/git/public.

Add a publish and unpublish script in git-shell-commands/.

Generate a static website

Here we will create a site that look’s like this with nginx, stagit and a few scripts. If you don’t like the minimalist appearance of the site, here is a list of alternatives.


server {
    root /var/www/git;  # where our website's files will be located
    index index.html;
    # It's a convention to put it in a git. subdomain.
    server_name git.<hostname> www.git.<hostname>;
    location / {
        try_files $uri $uri/ =404;

Put this configuration file in /etc/nginx/sites-available. Enable the site ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available /etc/nginx/sites-enable


Stagit is pretty small tool so it won’t take long to install it from sources.

git clone git://git.codemadness.org/stagit
cd stagit
make install

Read the man page of both of these commands for more information

git hooks

Git hooks are scripts located in <repository>/.git/hooks that will be run on a certain action. The hook we’re interested in is post-receive, it will be ran after someone pushes to the repository. We can use it to regenerate the repository’s pages and the website’s index.


# Insert repo_name variable here
# <REPO_NAME> -- replace with repo_name=name

[ -z "$repo_name" ] && exit 1
[ ! -d "/srv/git/public/$repo_name.git" ] && exit

mkdir -p "$repo_web_path"
cd "$repo_web_path" || exit 1
stagit "/srv/git/$repo_name.git"
stagit-index /srv/git/public/* > /var/www/git/index.html

This is a template for the post-receive hook. Every time you publish a repository you can change his post-receive hook.

sed '/REPO_NAME/ c repo_name='"$repo" < post-receive.template > "$post_receive_path"
chmod +x "$post_receive_path"

Add this code to your publish script
